BAVX Ball (set of 3)

Ball used in Bal-A-Vis-X eXercises.

RM 69.00

SKU: 704 Category:


Bal-A-Vis-X exercises require the use of sandbags, racquetballs, balance boards, and VISTar balls. The companies listed below have created materials especially for Bal-A-Vis-X and are the ONLY authorized dealers for Bal-A-Vis-X in the world. All others who claim to sell Bal-A-Vis-X materials are fraudulent. Bags, Balls and Brains primarily draws from the integrative rhythmic eXercises of Bal-A-Vis-X, originated by Bill Hubert. The rhythmic eXercises integrate the brain and brain-body connections through movement. Through BAVX eXercises one develops the ability to move eyes, hands and feet rhythmically in relationship to one another, to a partner and as a group.

The BAVX eXercises are strongly rooted in the rhythmic flow of the pendulum. They require full-body/bi-lateral coordination, eye tracking, focused attention, and visual and auditory discrimination. While doing ball and bag eXercises, participants experience multitudes of mid-line crossings which require the 3 dimensions of the brain (left/right, back/front, upper/lower) to work together.

Movements for learning readiness from Brain Gym® and embodiment explorations from Body-Mind Centering® are offered in response to individual needs and in building necessary neurological pathways to cross the body’s 3 mid-lines. After the fundamentals of BAVX bag and ball exercises are learned, the variable difficulty balance board developed by Frank Belgau (Balametrics) is used extensively to enhance brain and brain-body integration.

Bal-A-Vis-X eXercises are taught one-on-one with specific attention to individual needs. After mastering the proper fundamentals of rhythmically tossing sand-filled bags and rhythmically bouncing specialized BAVX racquetballs, group exercises can be introduced. Hence, basic BAVX skill competence is necessary before entering a Bags, Balls and Brains class.

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 17 × 5.5 × 5.5 cm